Real Estate Assessment Center Physical Inspection Oversight

NHC is not currently performing REAC Physical Inspection Oversight. As a result, please direct all questions and/or correspondence regarding REAC to your assigned HUD Account Executive.

How to Properly Respond to Exigent Health and Safety (EH&S) Notification from REAC:

The REAC (HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center) Physical Inspector will provide onsite manager, owner or management agent with a list of Exigent Health and Safety items, which must be corrected immediately. After completion of the repairs, the owner and agent must submit the following documentation to NHC:

  1. Complete the form,” HUD Owner Certification”.
  2. The Certification is due to National Housing Compliance within three (3) business days from the date of the inspection.
  3. The Certification must be on the owner’s letterhead.
  4. The Certification must include the property owner’s signature. If someone other than the owner signs the certification, written authorization must accompany the certification.
  5. Along with your response, fax copies of completed work orders describing the work completed/corrected.
  6. You may fax a copy of the certification to our office at 770-939-3886.
  7. After you fax the certification, it is not necessary for you to mail a copy to our office.
  8. It is not necessary for you to send a copy to the HUD Office/Project Manager.

Remember: Failure to correct Exigent Health and Safety (EH&S) items is a violation of the Regulatory Agreement (if applicable) and may result in abatement or cancellation of your Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment contract.

REAC Documents