Real Estate Assessment Center Physical Inspection Oversight
NHC is not currently performing REAC Physical Inspection Oversight. As a result, please direct all questions and/or correspondence regarding REAC to your assigned HUD Account Executive.
How to Properly Respond to Exigent Health and Safety (EH&S) Notification from REAC:
The REAC (HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center) Physical Inspector will provide onsite manager, owner or management agent with a list of Exigent Health and Safety items, which must be corrected immediately. After completion of the repairs, the owner and agent must submit the following documentation to NHC:
- Complete the form,” HUD Owner Certification”.
- The Certification is due to National Housing Compliance within three (3) business days from the date of the inspection.
- The Certification must be on the owner’s letterhead.
- The Certification must include the property owner’s signature. If someone other than the owner signs the certification, written authorization must accompany the certification.
- Along with your response, fax copies of completed work orders describing the work completed/corrected.
- You may fax a copy of the certification to our office at 770-939-3886.
- After you fax the certification, it is not necessary for you to mail a copy to our office.
- It is not necessary for you to send a copy to the HUD Office/Project Manager.
Remember: Failure to correct Exigent Health and Safety (EH&S) items is a violation of the Regulatory Agreement (if applicable) and may result in abatement or cancellation of your Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment contract.