Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)

National Housing Compliance (NHC) welcomed the opportunity to pilot the RAD Program for HUD. By documenting and sharing our experiences, we hope to provide the industry with valuable information that can guide organizations with the full launch of RAD.

Our white paper focuses on the processes and practices that drove our successful outcomes in this pilot.

Read our white paper.

RAD Experience & Services

Since the RAD program’s inception, NHC has provided RAD Program Transition training and consulting services for more than 30 Public Housing Agencies. Additionally, we have developed Section 8 policies and procedures for PHAs transitioning to multifamily PBRA Section 8 assistance. Our training and services focus on:

  • Programs Matrix Comparison
  • Tenant Selection Plan
  • EIV Security & Use Policies
  • Grievance Procedures
  • HUD’s Multifamily Online Systems
  • RAD Phase-In Rents
  • 50059 Processing

If you have questions or need RAD training, please reach out to