February 2023 SAHMA Affordable Housing Conference – NHC Add-On

Greetings Georgia Owners and Agents:

This year, National Housing Compliance has partnered with SAHMA and will be participating in SAHMA’s full day Add-On Course on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Please join our staff, along with Gwen Volk of INFOCUS, Inc. for an informative session on the Basics of HUD Occupancy during the morning session – as presented by Gwen; and PBRA Basics (MOR preparation, Special Claims, Resident Concerns and Utility Allowance Baselining) during the afternoon session – as presented by NHC staff.

If you haven’t already registered for this exciting event, February 14-16, 2023, you can do so at https://www.sahma.org/georgia. [NOTE: Registration is required!]

We look forward to seeing you in just a few short weeks!